How should you measure the effectiveness of internal audit’s performance?


In a LinkedIn post, Joseph Zumasigee told us that the IIA:

…has released a tool aimed at helping practitioners implement Performance Measurement of the internal audit activity. The tool is tailored to the 2024 Global Internal Audit Standards.

Even if you already have a robust performance Measurement system in place, benchmarking against this tool can yield some refreshing results. At the least, you would have validated your existing system.

It certainly has some food for thought. My thanks to the five members of the international team who developed it. One of them, Maciej Piolunowicz, commented on the post, saying:

I truly believe that this tool will be useful to CAEs. When we worked on it, we put a lot of effort into ensuring that we included different point of views, so that it is as suitable to various situations as possible.

I am not going to comment here on the suggested performance measures, except to say that I would use few, if any, of them.

Instead, I am going to start by restating from my earlier blog post why internal audit exists.

What we need to measure is whether and how well we are delivering on our mission.

What we need to know is whether our customers believe they are getting full value from us.

The Purpose Statement in the IIA’s GIAS says:

Internal auditing strengthens the…


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