How Technology Transforms Regulatory Compliance In Finance


In the intricate world of finance, regulatory compliance has been dramatically transformed by technological advancements. Pioneering contributions by experts like Abhishek Shende, as evidenced in his research papers such as “Consumer Protection and Payment Compliance in the Digital Age: Challenges, Innovations, and Regulatory Responses,” “Harnessing the Power of AI for Enhanced Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management in Fintech,” and “Leveraging Distributed Computing for Enhanced Risk Management and Compliance in Banking: A Pathway to Financial Success,” have spotlighted the revolutionary impact of distributed computing and artificial intelligence (AI) on the banking industry’s approach to compliance and risk management.

Distributed Computing: A New Era for Banking Compliance

Shende’s investigation into distributed computing, particularly highlighted in “Leveraging Distributed Computing for Enhanced Risk Management and Compliance in Banking: A Pathway to Financial Success,” reveals its transformative role in banking. By distributing computational processes across multiple devices, banks can process and analyze large datasets more efficiently, enabling accurate risk…
