How to Apply an Anti-Coronavirus Campaign Through the Lens of Cybersecurity

coronavirus, covid-19

In recent years, some in the cyber world recognized that there is a lot to learn from the biological world when protecting systems against viruses. Now, the Corona epidemic presents an opportunity for the medical world to learn something from the cyber world. To analyze the strategies selected by various countries, let’s review them through the lens of cybersecurity.

By Zohar Rozenberg, Chief Strategy Officer for Elron

Let’s begin by recognizing that cybersecurity is built in layers. There is no one magic solution or layer that will prevent all possible attacks. Furthermore, in the cyber world, it has been understood for some time that it is impossible to protect everything for all eternity. There will be incidents. Computers will be attacked, information will be stolen, activity will be interrupted. It has already been accepted in the business world that it is not possible to maintain an extremely high level of protection while at the same time enabling a business to run at its required pace.

A compromise will always be found, and risks managed. Extremely high levels of security are possible, but this will give rise to a situation where work may grind to…

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