How to bridge the cyber-risk management gap


Cyber-risk management is more difficult today than it was two years ago. So say 74% of cybersecurity professionals in a recent ESG research survey. Respondents point to an expanding attack surface, an increase in software vulnerabilities, and more sophisticated tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) from cyber-adversaries. (Note: I am an ESG employee.) 

OK, so there’s a cyber-risk management gap at most organizations. What are they going to do about it? The research indicates that:

  • 34% will increase the frequency of cyber-risk communications between the CISO and executive management. Now, more communication is a good thing, but CISOs must make sure they have the right data and metrics, and this has always been a problem. I see a lot of innovation around some type of CISO cyber-risk management dashboard from vendors such as Kenna Security, RiskLens (supporting the Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) standard), and Tenable Networks. Over time, cyber-risk analytics will become a critical component of a security operations and analytics platform architecture (SOAPA), so look for vendors such as Exabeam, IBM, LogRhythm, MicroFocus (ArcSight), Splunk, and…

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