How to Close the Cyber Security Skills Shortage by Maximizing Existing Resources


We frequently hear about the cyber security talent shortage and technical skills gap. According to the ISACA “State of Cybersecurity 2018: Part 1: Workforce Development” study, lack of technical skills ranked as one of the top two challenges for security professionals and managers. Often, though, it’s easy overlook or underestimate non-technical challenges. This can include competition for organizational resources – whether budget or headcount or both – and misaligned technical talent. It’s important to consider these areas too, because they can have a big impact on your overall security program.

In today’s blog, we’ll discuss some ways to close these gaps by maximizing resources you already have. After conducting many third-party cyber security assessments, I can tell you firsthand that reallocating resources and realigning existing staff are the most common recommendations we make to solve these problems. Here are four real-life scenarios that illustrate how you can make the case to shift resources and better align technical skills.

Case #1: The Employee Who Focused Too Much on Policy

Organization A had a highly-qualified, experienced, and certified cyber…

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