How to deter the biggest U.S. cyber adversaries


With help from Eric Geller, Martin Matishak and Christian Vasquez

PROGRAMMING NOTE: The Morning Cybersecurity newsletter will not publish on Monday, Oct. 8. Morning Cybersecurity will resume publication on Tuesday, Oct. 9.

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LET’S PLAY ‘BRAINSTORMING DETERRENCE’ — Some cybersecurity experts and lawmakers have long called for the U.S. to develop a deterrence strategy for cyberspace. But what would actually deter some of America’s top rivals?

CATEGORY: RUSSIA Robert Johnston, who investigated the DNC hack during the 2016 campaign, told MC in a recent interview that the U.S. needs to do two things to back Russia off. First, pursue financial crimes charges against Russian oligarchs, who would respond to that pressure by lobbying President Vladimir Putin to tone it down. Johnston, now CEO of Adlumin, said the U.S. also needs to develop and use the kind of tools Russia exploits: moderately sophisticated attacks that maintain a patina of deniability if discovered. Most U.S. offensive cyber tools are kept ultra-secret and used for espionage, Johnston…

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