How to get an A+ in cybersecurity now that schools are back in session

Students will be spending significantly more time on their computers throughout the fall, increasing the risk of cyber threats such as phishing and Zoom bombing.

Students will be spending significantly more time on their computers throughout the fall, increasing the risk of cyber threats such as phishing and Zoom bombing.

Courtesy of — Copyright: Prasit Rodphan

The world has changed dramatically since the advent of COVID-19. This change is visible when we see people wearing masks and abiding by the six-foot distancing rule, restaurant signs advertising takeout service, and plexiglass shields at checkout counters. Because fewer folks are out and about and we’re staying further apart, life may seem sleepier than it was in the “before” time. However, what happens behind closed doors these days is often much more chaotic.

Many of us are now working from home. As if that is not difficult enough, a fair share of the new remote workforce is trying to get the job done with their children in the house. The back-to-school season has recently brought an added twist to this dynamic. Now home office work and virtual learning are all taking place under one roof. Of course, the challenges this creates are not solely within the four walls of our homes – online students also make us more vulnerable to hackers.

Months ago, when the…

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