How to help your clients risk manage prolonged supply chain struggles


With experts predicting the pandemic-induced global supply chain crisis will continue for at least several months, if not as long as two years, it has become more important than ever to help your clients manage their exposures.

“It continues to be a very challenging time for most businesses in Canada, many of whom are still affected by supply chain disruptions whether they’re operating domestically, cross border or globally,” says Klaus Navarrete, Managing Director & Chief Agent at HDI Global SE Canada.

During the peak of the pandemic, global supply chains experienced unprecedented disruptions, causing countless delivery delays, soaring shortages and surging prices of goods and services. The emergence of more COVID-variants, and threats of further lockdowns and prolonged health restrictions continue to leave supply chains unstable, amidst rising inflation costs and increased consumer demand adding to the pressure on insufficient supply.

“We have seen some sectors impacted more severely than others, including in the retail, hospitality and travel industries,” Navarrete says. “At HDI Global, throughout the pandemic it has remained a priority to support our…

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