How to Implement a Cybersecurity-First Culture


A single security slip-up can damage not just an organization’s bottom line but its reputation with partners, customers and clients. Today’s businesses need to consider security from the ground up and incorporate it at every level of the organization. Troy Markowitz, co-founder and CRO, Drata, discusses steps to build a cybersecurity-first culture.

Organizations sometimes make the mistake of thinking that cybersecurity efforts boil down to basic steps like changing passwords and updating software. Unfortunately, there is a lot more to it than that. Security needs to be considered from the ground up to keep data safe, and leaders must identify ways to incorporate it at every level of the organization. This is easier said than done. 

Data breaches in 2021 were up 68% compared to 2020, and weak passwords aren’t the only things leading to the increase. Malicious attackers find their way to sensitive or proprietary information using all kinds of methods. The threat landscape evolves every day, and the cost of each incident continues to rise. The global average cost of a data breach increased from $3.86 million to $4.24 million in 2021. 

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