How to improve defenses against health data security threats


Healthcare institutions are trusted with our most valuable information. Within their networks they store highly sensitive data such as medical records, treatment plans, financial records, contact information and more. This data is essential for healthcare providers to effectively communicate with patients and provide the best care possible.

However, having this information is also what makes them so attractive to cyber criminals. This is just the sort of information that cyber criminals seek to steal in order to sell or commit fraud.

Additionally, healthcare institutions are also preferred targets due to their status as a critical infrastructure. Beyond traditional attacks such as ransomware seeking monetary payout or the theft of PII, they are also targeted by hacktivists and nation-state groups seeking to disrupt critical operations at a national level.

As is the case in many industries, digitization has significantly expanded the potential attack surface of most healthcare institutions. Through the adoption of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices and applications, the movement of workloads into the cloud, support for digital consulting with remote…

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