How to Prepare for an ICE I-9 Audit

Image credit: danielfela/Shutterstock

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has increased I-9 audits by more than 300 percent under the Trump administration. Is your business ready to respond to a notice of inspection from ICE?

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been in the news quite a bit since the Trump administration came into office. Less covered than the stepped-up deportations, however, has been the surge in what are known as Form I-9 audits, in which ICE inspectors review businesses’ documentation regarding the work authorization for foreign employees.

I-9 audits can be consequential for employers who fail to comply with the law. Fines for failed I-9 audits can run into the tens of thousands of dollars, and repeated willful violations of the law could even lead to criminal prosecution in rare cases.

Here’s a look at the I-9 audit review process, as well as advice from experts on how to proactively prepare for an I-9 audit if your business receives a notice of inspection from ICE.

What is an I-9 audit?

Employers who hire foreign nationals are required to fill out and maintain the federal government’s Form I-9, which demonstrates work authorization status for each foreign employee….
