How zero-trust can help security teams defend against cyberattacks during the ongoing downturn


A team of researchers at Forrester contends that by focusing on zero-trust initiatives as the economy stymies this year, security teams can defend against cyberattacks – and wind up spending much less money on new tools.

Forrester expects that in 2023 security budgets will stay tight, leading to less spending on best-of-breed security products, while other departments that security teams depend on, such as administration and governance, will likely also face budget cuts of their own.

That’s why security pros need to get creative. In a report published on December 21, a team of 14 Forrester analysts said that embracing zero-trust principles during an economic downturn can potentially yield the following benefits:

  • Enhance security and audit experiences without requiring new tools.

Well-documented and well-written policy has become a security and compliance enabler for organizations. It sets expectations and acts as a roadmap for auditors and employees. If security teams advance their capabilities here, they will create less work to demonstrate compliance, give clearer guidance for internal stakeholders, and experience fewer painful audits.

  • Facilitate cost cutting across the…

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