#HowTo: Protect Your Employees from Data Loss


We’re never going back to a world where all employees work from the office 100% of the time. Organizations have seen first-hand that it’s possible to sustain mass remote working indefinitely, and most employees are now pushing for a flexible future.

This new world is only possible because it has scalable digital communication as its backbone. In our recent survey of 3000 remote employees based in the UK and the US, they all acknowledged they’re using digital communication more. Email leads the way with increased usage by 85% of employees, followed by video conferencing solutions (77%) and chat apps like Microsoft Teams (77%).

The more digital content employees are sharing, however, the more likely it is that an insider data breach will occur. This is especially true for email. Four in five (80%) of employees say they use email to communicate sensitive data both internally and with clients, and 83% of organizations have experienced an email security incident that put data at risk in the last 12 months.

This insider risk is something that organizations need to urgently address – and here’s how they can do that!

Understand Why People Put Data at Risk

Most insider…

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