IBM is leading the journey towards AI and Intelligent Automation in cybersecurity


AI will not replace human reasoning and decision making, however it can augment the skills of security analysts, allowing them to do their jobs faster, more accurately and efficiently, says Vaidyanathan Iyer, Security Software Leader, IBM India South/Asia.

Where does India stand in terms of AI adoption in security; and where do you see the momentum catching up?
Cybercrime is 21st century’s organised crime. Eighty per cent of cyberattacks are driven by highly organised crime rings in which data, tools and expertise are widely shared. It is estimated that cybercrime will cost the global economy more than $2 trillion by 2021 and represents what could be the greatest threat to every company in the world. The recently released IBM-Ponemon Institute study reveals that nearly 79 per cent of Indian firms do not have a computer security incident response plan (CSIRP) in place that is applied consistently across operations. The threat scenario shows a significant rise in both number and sophistication of breaches in this year’s report, which is alarming as it continues to rise in India.

Moreover, according to a Nasscom, DSCI & PwC Report, the cyber security market has been…

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