ICYMI: Ranking Member Boozman Lays Out H…


Ranking Member Boozman wrote an opinion piece outlining how Congress can strengthen the farm safety net that ran in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette over the holiday break. In his piece, Ranking Member Boozman says he is committed to using the one-year extension of the current Farm Bill to get the next one done right to ensure our farmers have the tools they need to continue to produce the safest, most abundant, and most affordable supply of food in the world.

Key takeaways

  • At the invitation of my colleagues, I’ve held 18 listening sessions in 17 states with diverse agriculture profiles. Whether in Texas or Kentucky, Wyoming or Minnesota, Alaska or Delaware, the message has been the same: Modernizing the farm safety net is the top priority for producers.
  • The world has changed dramatically since the 2018 Farm Bill was passed. The safety-net programs authorized in that legislation are based off 2012 data. It simply makes no sense to tie our farmers to programs that have been outdated for over a decade–especially considering how much the world changed after March 2020.
  • An extension gives farmers and ranchers certainty so they can go to the bank and borrow the money they need to make…
