IMO defends its position on cyber


Discussion at yesterday’s Asia Pacific Maritime (APM) exhibition in Singapore that the International Maritime Organization could lose its legitimacy if it fails to show leadership on cyber matters has prompted a response from the UN body.

K D Adamson, the CEO of consultancy Futurenautics, opened a digital debate at APM yesterday by saying that IMO’s failure so far to handle cyber issues could relegate it to irrelevance. “IMO will lose their legitimacy in the medium term,” she predicted.

Another panellist during the digital session, Mohit Batra, regional director at tech firm Enriam, argued that the key was to get a serious mindset change at IMO.

“Your readers might be left thinking IMO has not discussed cyber security issues at all.  This is not the case,” a spokesperson for IMO told Splash today.  

IMO has discussed cyber security in both the Facilitation and Maritime Safety Committees and issued guidance, the spokesperson said.  It has also adopted Resolution…

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