Importance of risk management team



Participants during a recent risk Identification and management seminar in Nairobi. PHOTO | DIANA NGILA | NMG 

The uncertain economic times of the past few years have had a major effect on how companies operate today. Companies that used to operate smoothly with the help of forecasts and projections now refrain from making business judgments. Today companies have a renewed focus to manage risk, most have created chief risk officer positions.

Risk is the main cause of uncertainty in any organization. Thus, companies increasingly focus more on identifying risks and managing them before they even affect their business. The ability to manage risk will help companies act more confidently on future business decisions. Their knowledge of the risks they are facing will give them various options on how to deal with potential problems. Risk management is important in an organization because without it, a firm cannot possibly define its objectives for the future. If a company defines objectives without taking the risks into consideration, chances are that they will lose direction once any of these risks hit home.

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