In telecom cyber security, wicked problems require wicked solutions (Reader Forum)


A new report by Darkhorse Global, a geo-economic and national security consultancy, makes some good points about the convergence of national security and industrial policy frameworks for telecommunications infrastructure. It outlines three “wicked problems” confronting today’s global ICT ecosystem. 

First, vulnerabilities exist in all networks, hardware and software. Second, it’s easy to confuse national security issues with concerns about economic competitiveness. Third, the intent of actors is often largely unknown, even if their capabilities are clear.

Today’s telecommunications ecosystem is beset by what political scientists call wicked problems — those that are difficult to define due to incomplete, inconsistent or changing criteria, and rely on judgment and advocacy for resolution.

Although these wicked problems may seem intractable, they can be ameliorated by “wicked solutions” — necessarily imperfect measures that are less a cure and more like medicine that helps manage a chronic condition.  

A handful of solutions could improve overall ICT and network security in a more holistic way than some of the approaches being used now. 

Solution #1:…

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