Industrial control system security needs ICS threat intelligence


Industrial control systems were traditionally shielded from security threats due to their lack of external connectivity and the proprietary nature of their hardware and software. Today, however, ICSes, which oversee manufacturing processes and support key infrastructures, such as transportation systems and energy distribution networks, are isolated no longer.

Indeed, these systems now run on standards-based architectures and technologies and use the internet to connect with other ICS, IT and IoT systems. This interconnectivity has led to innovation and reduced costs as it enabled companies to remotely manage, monitor and control their ICSes.

But it has also dramatically increased ICSes’ exposure to cyber attacks.

Why ICS threat intelligence is key

Strong, effective ICS security is a must. Any compromise could result in loss of life and environmental disaster. The high availability requirements of ICSes mean security measures must not only be able to detect attacks, but, more importantly, they must prevent any attack from causing disruption.

Threat intelligence, therefore, must be part of any ICS security strategy. This lets companies mitigate threats to operational…

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