Industrial cyber

risk management

By nature, organisations are risk averse. Investors and stakeholders like to see regular business cycles, cash flow and monthly recurring revenue. An organisation taking on risk usually leads to scrutiny with a cost-benefit analysis for the business as, although some forms of risk may be manageable, others are not. It is down to organisational leaders to determine what is deemed an acceptable level of risk and eliminate and manage it as necessary, writes Marty Edwards, VP of Operational Technology, at the cyber firm Tenable.

For those organisations that provide critical infrastructure services, efficient risk management is vital in ensuring the company’s operational technology (OT) and the fabric of our national security is always thoroughly protected. Some countries have broken down which vertical industries they consider to be critical within their regions. For example, the CPNI in the UK identifies 13 distinct national infrastructure sectors that are of strategic importance.

In recent years, as critical infrastructure organisations have modernised their operations with a sharp rise in automation and IoT technology, the threat landscape has also heightened. In a world where…

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