Inflation, Energy Costs and a Looming Recession Clamber Up Allianz’s List of Risk Managers’ Concerns : Risk & Insurance


Allianz’s annual survey highlights risks not usually associated with traditional insurance.

Macroeconomic concerns — inflation, the price and availability of energy, and possible recession — were among the new concerns among risk managers world wide, according to the 12th annual risk barometer compiled by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS).

The survey of key business risks around the world, as determined by more than 2,700 respondents, was released in the middle of January.

Cyber incidents and business interruption rank as the biggest company concerns for the second year in succession, both being cited by 34% of all responses.

However, it was macroeconomic developments such as inflation, financial market volatility and a looming recession (up from #10 to #3 year-on-year), as well as the impact of the energy volatility (a new entry at #4) that were the top risers in this year’s list of global business risks.

While the trends themselves are enlightening, the relationships among them are telling as well: “Business interruption, cyber, fire and NAT Cat — all of…

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