Innovative response is required to cope with fast-changing risk roles


“We fired a gun last year with the publication of our Roads to Revolution report; this year, it will be interesting to see how everyone responds to that call to action and what solutions people are able to bring to the table.

“This is a fast-changing industry and Airmic likes finding solutions rather than bemoaning problems, so I am looking forward to seeing an innovative response this year.”

That is how John Ludlow, chief executive of Airmic, characterises his hopes for the 2019 Airmic conference being held in Harrogate this week (June 3 to 5). He told Airmic Today that he hopes exhibitors, speakers and delegates will all embrace the theme of this year’s event: New World, New Solutions—a theme devised from last year’s report which will examine the impact of the digital revolution on businesses and the role of the risk manager.

Ludlow hopes to see innovative ideas put forward around how companies might better organise their governance risk and new ways of working to better manage things such as cyber and reputational risks.

“It is about developing new ways of working that are more collaborative, taking in external companies and all stakeholders and partners…

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