Insider Threats Opening Opportunities for Cybercriminals


Survey respondents revealed a misperception about handling security versus the market reality.

A new SolarWinds-backed report shows nearly more than three in five (62%) respondents cited insider threat or user errors as the top security risk within their company, saying user mistakes contributed to the largest attack exposure.

The new IDC report sponsored by SolarWinds is based on a survey of both IT and non-IT respondents on their organization’s cybersecurity practices, revealing that businesses are prioritizing security in terms of budget and tool adoption, but are vulnerable to even greater risks that exist within their organizations.

Tim Brown, SolarWinds‘ vice president of security, tells us the threat landscape is constantly evolving and the insider threat is just another step.

SolarWinds' Tim Brown

SolarWinds’ Tim Brown

“The opportunity is for the cyber security providers to increase awareness, provide additional monitoring service and provide increased protection to the clients,” he said.

More than half of respondents reported that regular employees, rather than executives or those with privileged access, pose the biggest risk for insider abuse or misuse. While…

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