Integrated Risk Management for Your Business


For today’s security professionals, managing risk is arguably the most critical and challenging part of their job–and quite often, what keeps them up at night. Yes, managing IT risk across the enterprise today is important, yet, incredibly, 65% of tech companies still use an ad-hoc approach. Many still cling to a traditional siloed strategy, using disparate processes and disconnected tools to identify and mitigate risk. 

And guess what? It’s not working. 61% of respondents in the 2021 IT Compliance Benchmark report have experienced at least one security incident or compliance lapse in the last three years. However, in a world of vastly expanded attack surfaces, continually evolving risk, and ongoing regulatory volatility, should we really be surprised?

Now, for some good news–the future of risk management is here, and it’s integrated. Successful organizations realize better risk management results from an integration of risk governance, cybersecurity, and compliance efforts, with teams working in unison around a “risk first” mindset. 

It’s time for your organization to get familiar with integrated risk management. This article will introduce you to this…

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