Internal auditors optimistic on economy, talent, but risks remain


Internal auditors are less worried about economic uncertainty and talent availability going into 2024, despite ongoing risks in both areas, with most focus going instead into technology-related areas.

Last year, talent shortages ranked as the second most significant risk, followed by changing economic conditions at No. 3. This year, though, talent availability ranked 12, and the economy ranked 10. This indicates a major shift in priorities and focus for internal auditors.

AuditBoard, the risk management solutions provider behind the report, said this could reflect either a feeling of optimism at odds with ongoing uncertainty or professionals becoming accustomed to what it said was a state of “permacrisis,” an extended period of instability and insecurity, which has served to throw off their risk perceptions. Regardless of the reasons, though, the report said internal auditors sentiments are not reflecting the ongoing risks in these areas; analysts at the company have ranked the economy as No. 2 and talent as No. 3.

On the economy, AuditBoard said organizations continue to feel the multilayered impacts of the worst global pandemic in 100+ years, the most significant war in Europe in 80 years,…
