Internet-savvy? Filipino youth more at risk to pitfalls of digital media


International think tank DQ Institute has revealed the initial results of a new study that showed young Filipinos scoring below the global average in terms of discipline in using the internet.

The 2018 DQ World study measures the so-called digital quotient of the youth, defined as those aged 8 to 12 years old. The initial results were presented last month to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, according to DQ partner Globe Telecom.

The study is meant to benchmark the “digital intelligence” of a given country. DQ gave the Philippines a screen time management score of 96. The global average stood at 100.

A score between 100 and 115 meant that children were more responsible while a score below 85 signaled high exposure to cyber risks and “unhealthy habits of digital usage.”

The objective was to score above 115 “which means children can be considered as relatively disciplined users of digital media and technology.”

“Since the Filipino students’ screen time management is lower than average, it is recommended that students learn about safe digital use before they own any mobile device or actively engage in digital media,” Globe said in a statement.


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