IoT Spending Predicted To Rise While Industry Calls For Regulations


It’s no surprise that the Internet of Things (IoT) has realized a meteoric surge within the enterprise. Connected devices are gathering, en masse, within organizations, posing new security threats for Chief Information Security Officers (CISO).

This IoT wave is here to stay, and could slowly erode the security “shoreline,” if practitioners are not prepared. That’s because seizing control of these devices is now an active and menacing threat.

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) threats have remained a concern for IT administrators. But now, security teams must keep a hand on the pulse of botnets, phishing scams, IAM flaws and a variety of other means cyber-criminals can use to tap into IoT devices.

IoT Spending

Further, according to a new forecast from Juniper Research, as reported by MediaPost, IoT spending will reach $6 billion by 2023.

As such, North America is projected to lead the way, and within five years, 5% of the total cyber security spend will be dedicated to IoT.

Juniper Research also projects IoT security spending to rise 30% annually while connection growth extends by about 25%. Around that, business risk and regulatory minimum…

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