Is outsourcing the solution to SA’s cybercrime scourge?

Is outsourcing the solution to SA's cybercrime scourge?

South Africa is the only country showing equal data leak score due to internal and external violations (38%), which means that a company has to protect both from external and internal security threats equally.

This is according to Sergey Ozhegov, chief executive officer of risk management solution firm SearchInform, which recently launched an information security outsourcing services for companies that face the problem of corporate fraud and data leakage.

Ozhegov says the global cyber security market size stood at US$131.3-billion in 2018 and is projected to reach US$289.8-billion by 2026.

“(The) data security market is expected to account for the second largest category of expenditure in South Africa by 2023.”

SearchInform says it is offering a turnkey solution, a complete outsourcing package that includes DLP management, employee monitoring, internal threat detection and productivity monitoring.

“If a company does not have the employees responsible for information security, employee monitoring, and internal threats prevention, then personal data and company secrets remain unprotected from leaks, and corporate incidents are not detected. This is usually about small and…

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