Is the Energy Sector Paving the Way or Lagging Behind?


It’s difficult to imagine a day in which the products and services we use are not connected back to the energy sector. How we heat or cool our homes to how we remotely work are all dependent on the energy sector. In most industrialized economies, the energy sector is considered the most critical part of society. 

From the food and agriculture sector to the financial services sector, the energy sector connects all critical infrastructure sectors. The US economy cannot function without this sector. An energy cyber breach could have widespread effects of regional power loss, incapacitated communication networks, and disabled emergency services leaving regions vulnerable and inaccessible to necessary resources and aid during times of crisis. 

The energy sector is comprised of electricity, oil, and natural gas generation and distribution. The transportation sector is especially vulnerable to the energy sector’s lapses in security as this sector heavily relies on pipeline distribution to transport oil and natural gas. Energy providers are highly targeted by cyber threats because of their inherent value and profitability. Providers will pay almost any ransom to restore their…

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