Is your business prepared to understand and tackle interconnected risks? | Analysis


The past few years have been characterised by mega shocks, which clearly demonstrate the interconnected nature of risk.

For instance, the stock and supply chain chaos caused firstly by the global pandemic, and today by the attacks in the Red Sea.

web, web of lies

It has never been more clear that a single event can start a chain that creates widespread repercussions across geographies and industries.

But knowing this doesn’t make it easy to untangle. 

In fact, the highly complex nature of supply chains means that many businesses are unaware of their true exposures, and that underestimating threats is an easy trap to fall into.

To help businesses untangle the web of interconnected threats, StrategicRISK has assembled a panel of experts who will share their experiences and advice. 

Next week, on Tuesday, we will be joined by:

  • Dr Camila Witt, Chief Risk and Compliance Officer at Inpay

    Camila has a strong background in enterprise risk management and anti-financial crime, especially AML/CTF. She also has experience with FSA licence applications in Denmark and Finland. Camila’s primary responsibilities at Inpay include ensuring that all activities comply with applicable legislation and regulation,…
