It could happen to you — how to prepare for and mitigate the fallout from a cyberattack


Everyone thinks they know about cybersecurity, but thinking about the effects a cyberattack could have on an organization should be enough to lose sleep over, according to risk management experts.

During a webinar hosted by general and professional liability insurance company HealthCap Risk Management Services, cybersecurity experts discussed the anatomy of a cyberattack and best practices to prepare for one.

Cybersecurity, at its core, is about confidentiality, integrity and availability, according to John P. DiMaggio, co-founder and CEO of Blue Orange Compliance, a risk assessment company. Including senior living in the definition of healthcare, he said that healthcare organizations are targets of cyber criminals because of their relatively weak defenses, the value of the data necessary for operations, and the numerous interfaces and sharing of information that occurs among providers.

A cyberattack actually can start 21 days before an organization even knows there is a problem, DiMaggio said. During that time, the “bad guys” are “snooping around” and finding weaknesses. Exploiting weak passwords and other vulnerabilities, and sending…

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