It is time to be proactive towards cybersecurity threats

It is time to be proactive towards cybersecurity threats

It is time to be proactive towards cybersecurity threats. Source: Shutterstock

  • Response to cyberattacks is often defensive or reactionary and that needs to change.
  • To be proactive, businesses would have to identify risks ahead of time and block possible threats that can be harmful to the business operation.

Most organizations when faced with cybersecurity threats, would have a plan in place to deal with them. Then there are learning lessons from what just happened to keep the security lifecycle rolling along. However, this approach may not work for this day and age, given that cyber-attacks are happening at an unimaginable scale and rate.

A proactive approach that involves identifying the hazardous conditions that tell you something’s afoot is perhaps the best way forward. For context, cyberattacks are now so common, recent reports show that hackers attack a computer in the US every 39 seconds.

That said, the current and definitely for the upcoming age of cybersecurity threats, agile and smart approaches that can quickly adjust to new and unexpected attacks are absolutely necessary. Currently, responses to cyberattacks are defensive or reactionary, whereby the attacks are…

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