It’s Not Just the Feds: State AGs Are Reaching Through Your Corporation


No longer simply legal advisers for their respective governors, state attorneys general are increasingly taking an offensive position, bringing lawsuits against companies and executives they accuse of bad conduct. A team of attorneys from Troutman Pepper, led by Clayton Friedman and Trey Smith, explore recent cases and how executives can strengthen the corporate veil.

A few big headlines aside, executives at large companies have rarely been prosecuted criminally for corporate conduct. Even civilly, executives have historically avoided suit unless there was a clear case of alter-ego liability (i.e., the individual and the company were not truly separate), and those claims were generally reserved for closely held entities rather than executives of high-profile companies.

State attorneys general have recently been more willing to bring suits individually against officers and directors of well-known corporate brands. The goal in these suits is often not to collect on a judgment but to send a message that state attorneys general will use their enforcement authority to hold executives accountable for perceived wrongdoing. 

State attorneys general are starting to pursue corporate executives

A look at some of the recent cases state attorneys general have brought demonstrates the trend. Last year, then-D.C….
