Join Sam Savage and Alex Sidorenko every week to discuss latest in risk management, quant risk analysis and breaking risk management myths RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Риск-ориентированное управление. Самостоятельно

Курс направлен на развитие навыков риск-ориентированного мышления, которое позволяет выявлять, приоритезировать и моделировать влияние рисков на ключевые цели или решения организации.

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Количественная оценка рисков

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ChanceTALK – Alex Sidorenko and Sam Savage discuss latest in risk management. Join us to discuss your risk management concerns and share some of the latest ideas in quant risk management.

Weekly webcasts where we break risk management misconceptions, share new techniques and ideas and answer your risk management questions live. Join the channel to stay up to date on risk management.

Register and add to your calendar using this link

Attendance is free but places are limited, for real, my broadcasting platform has a small limit.


Alex has created a short bootcamp designed to help companies implement quantitative risk management. Imagine saving the company so much money that investing in risk management competencies and resources becomes a no brainer for the executives. That’s exactly what Alex Sidorenko did at a global $10B chemical company and he has been kind enough to share his top tips and lessons learned with you each week. Sign up now!

You can watch past sessions here In the past we covered:

  • I can’t build a model until I collect the data
  • We don’t know the probability distribution
  • We don’t have the specialized software to run simulations
  • Our situation is too complex to model, so we do it in our head based on experience
  • We don’t need to quantify uncertainty, we just need better forecasts
  • My situation is unique, so there is no way to estimate a distribution of outcomes
  • 100 Million Monte Carlo Trials in 88 Bytes!
  • Chief Probability Officer – is this the future for risk professionals?
  • Watch Sam Savage create a free stochastic risk register live
  • Key takeaways from the Archer summit, modular risk analysis, 3 levels of risk analysis
  • 3 types of risk appetite, Flaw of averages explained
  • Feedback FERMA Copenhagen conference, risk aggregation, flaw of averages and risk tools
  • ChanceAge the new world for probability distributions and quantitative risk analysis
  • The biggest excuse to not quantify risks
  • Has it happened by chance or was it effective risk mitigation


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Informed Risk Taking

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Управление рисками

В этом коротком и очень увлекательном курсе, Алексей Сидоренко расскажет о причинах внедрения риск менеджмента, об особенностях принятия управленческих решений в ситуации неопределенности и изменениях в новом стандарте ИСО 31000:2018.
