JPT Cybersecurity for Upstream Operations


Optimizing the design, function, and benefits of the logical cyber-representation of physical asset environments, whether for wells being drilled or produced, pipelines, or treatment facilities, is an evolving trend for the oil and gas industry to gain operational efficiency. The analysis described shows that operational efficiency and cybersecurity compromise is essential for business success when constructing the information and control models.

Cybersecuirty is crucial for every function within the oil and gas supply chain. It is important to pay attention to the data flow to protect the data and facilities, while developing capabilities to deal with intrusions. This is the essence of cybersecurity and operational leadership.

This article emphasizes the value gained by investing in cybersecurity for upstream operations—including drilling, workovers, and completions—whether the operations are capital-, technology-, or personnel-intensive, and remote and extended infrastructures must be included.

The most effective strategy for ensuring the cybersecurity of industrial control systems is the iterative process because threats are…

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