The Ministry of Finance has refuted media reports that 450,000 Kwacha went missing at the Ministry as a result of the crash of the Integrated Financial Management Information System -IFMIS.

Public Relations Officer, Chileshe Kandeta says the money was actually a fraudulent transaction involving two accountants who have been dismissed at the Ministry of Commerce.

Mr. Kandeta says the two accounts Rogers Mwanza and Lukanda Matambo were dismissed in December 2017 and are now under investigation by law enforcement agencies.

Mr. Kandeta said this in a statement issued to ZNBC news in Lusaka.

He said the 450 thousand Kwacha was paid to an individual instead of the Zambia Bureau of Standard and the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.

Mr. Kandeta says the two accountants were exposed after the Controller of Internal Audit traced the suspicious transaction using IFMIS and raised the same in a report shared with the Office of the Auditor general.

He says following the operational challenges that IFMIS experienced in January this year, the Controller of Internal Audit is undertaking a post IFMIS Re-Installation Audit for which a report will be produced once the…
