Know your customer, know your business


While much effort is placed on the vetting and verification of the identities of customers transacting with organisations, far less concern is given to the more crucial issue of securing the identities of those transacting internally.

When it comes to the process of customer onboarding, the retail side of business has been relatively well sorted out, thanks to a number of new innovations related to identity verification using fingerprint and facial biometrics as part of a digital “know your customer” (eKYC) onboarding process.

However, when it comes to applying this idea of “know your customer” (KYC) in the corporate space for employees, contractors, partners and customers accessing corporate systems and networks, this is where the challenges become more complex; indeed, they have not yet been fully resolved. This is because the process of onboarding in the enterprise world has traditionally been one that is still very manual, complex and cluttered.

The term “know your business” (KYB) refers to the challenges associated with enterprise onboarding and the management of corporate networks and systems. These challenges are multiple and include issues related to working with…

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