KR certifies Songa Shipmanagement as cyber security compliant


Korean Register (KR) has completed a comprehensive cyber security audit of Songa Shipmanagement and has certified the company to be fully compliant in all areas, the first company to achieve the certification.

A formal presentation took place on 12 February at Songa Shipmanagement’s offices near Glasgow, Scotland with Mr. Kenneth MacLeod, CEO of Songa Shipmanagement and Ms. Joanne Pauline CCSO (Company Cyber Security Officer) of Songa Shipmanagement and Kaemyoung Park, Team Leader and Jeoungkyu Lim from KR’s Cyber Certification Team.

From left to right: Joanne Pauline CCSO (Company Cyber Security Officer) Songa Shipmanagement, Kenneth MacLeod, CEO Songa Shipmanagement and Jeoungkyu Lim and Kaemyoung Park, Team Leader from KR’s Cyber Certification Team.

Songa Shipmanagement manages and operates 23 chemical/oil tankers and is the first KR cyber security certified company that has developed and implemented a comprehensive cyber security management system able to respond to all kinds of cyber incidents.

KR established its cyber security certification process last year (2018) in accordance with international security standards ISO 27001,…

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