Lack of cyber security training at some companies is putting your data at risk


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – From hotels to schools and even hospitals, your personal information is in the hands of dozens of industries that are under prepared for the threats of modern cyber security.

A new report titled Beyond the Phish from cyber security firm Proofpoint Inc. shows many employees are lacking the knowledge to recognize malware and phishing scams.

Workers in education performed the worst, followed by transportation, energy, healthcare and manufacturing.

Tallying more than 130 million responses to a quiz on security, the company found 22 per cent of all answers were incorrect, up from the previous year when 19 per cent of the answers were incorrect.

The Proofpoint test looked at how much people understand about phishing scams, ransomware, the data life cycle, using social media, working safely outside the office.

Last year the hotel and hospitality industry earned “the dubious honour” of scoring the worst on the test – with 24 per cent of its answers logged as incorrect. This year that industry improved slightly and logged a 19 per cent error rate.

Proofpoint researchers say regular training for employees is the best way to keep data safe as…

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