Latest gubernatorial appointments | Local


Gov. Ralph Northam has announced the following appointments:

  • Alvin Edwards of Charlottesville, senior pastor at Mount Zion First African Baptist Church;
  • Jane D. Hickey of Richmond, former senior assistant attorney general; and
  • Joel J. Silverman of Richmond, physician at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.

Board of Trustees of the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation:

  • Glenda Booth of Fairfax County, freelance writer; and
  • James F. Casey of Lexington, professor at Washington and Lee University.

Data Sharing and Analytics Advisory Committee:

  • Rowley Molina of Ashland, director of cyber risk management at ICMA-RC.

Local Government Advisory Committee to the Chesapeake Bay Executive Council Appointment:

  • Robin Rich-Coates of Franktown, director of Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District.

Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board:

  • Kristen Saacke Blunk of Richmond, principal and field liaison at Headwaters;
  • Kat Maybury of Charlottesville, retired conservation professional; and
  • Dahlia O’Brien of Moseley, associate professor and small ruminant specialist at Virginia State University.

Advisory Board on Behavior Analysis:

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