Latest on UL Cybersecurity Standards for IoT Devices


In 2017, UL published the Cybersecurity Assurance Program (CAP) standards series, UL 2900, specifically for network-connected physical security products. The standard assesses a product’s software vulnerabilities and weaknesses and reviews its exposure to exploitation and known malware.

UL Technology & Security Director Andrew Jamieson joins the conversation to discuss UL’s cybersecurity efforts, among other topics relevant to the channel.

The interview first appeared in CE Pro’s sister publication Security Sales & Integration.

For readers who may not be familiar with the CAP standards, can you explain why UL’s focus is on product certification opposed to standards that help enterprises protect their data and IT systems from cyber breaches?

UL helps innovators create safer, more secure products and technologies to enable their safe adoption by partnering with industry/manufacturers to navigate the growing complexities across the supply chain — from compliance and regulatory issues to trade challenges and market access.

UL enables trust and vital end-to-end security designed for our interconnected world. We possess a unique expertise in developing security…

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