Latest trends in Application Security

Passwords, Brute Force attacks

Contributed by Julien Legrand

Application usage continues to rise as technologies take a central place in daily processes. In 2018, more than 105 billion applications were downloaded.1 The figure will increase since the number of downloaded applications is expected to rise by 25% between 2018 and 2022. Such amounts are a testimony to the massive reliance on apps to run essential tasks every day. As such, understanding the current application security threats and available countermeasures provides users and developers with the much-needed app safety knowledge.

Current Application Threats

There are various application threats that users and app developers should understand and manage. Some of the common ones include brute force attacks, injection attacks, and malware.

Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks are techniques hackers use to guess the passwords used to secure important applications. The threats are common since, unlike other methods, cyber adversaries don’t require investing in cyber attacking tools. Instead, they only need patience since executing the attacks entails using different passwords until a hacker guesses the correct one….

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