Learn how crowd-sourcing risks works at RAW2020 RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Риск-ориентированное управление. Самостоятельно

Курс направлен на развитие навыков риск-ориентированного мышления, которое позволяет выявлять, приоритезировать и моделировать влияние рисков на ключевые цели или решения организации.

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Риск-ориентированное управление. С преподавателем.

Крупнейшая в России программа онлайн-подготовки к двум сертификациям: национальной и международной G31000

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Количественная оценка рисков

Единственный в России и СНГ онлайн-курс по количественной оценке рисков и принятию решений.

33000 руб

Near or far: we are together in this COVID-19 crisis. We see increasing levels of sharing and caring across the globe. We are all uplifted by a more robust understanding of our interconnectedness.

We saw countries re-opening while COVID-19 was still circulating widely. Now some of them face strong waves of virus resurgence and have to reinstate severe lockdown measures. The purpose of lockdowns was to keep people from coming into contact with each other frequently, therefore curbing the virus’s spread. Today’s new COVID-19 peaks evidences that the simple restriction to people, to stop being close to each other, is not easy to do. It shows the difference between ‘simple’ and ‘easy’.

‘It is like losing weight or stop smoking—such a simple concept. Eat less. Don’t light a cigarette. But for so many, this is not easy.’ Explains Marischa van Zantvoort CEO of Loyd Consulting Group (LCG) in conversation with Alex Sidorenko, founder of Risk Awareness Week.

‘I am highlighting these examples from everyday life because it is the same with uncertainty management in business. It makes so much sense and therefore looks simple. We make everybody share uncertainties. Then risk and opportunity insights can be created in their very early stages as they surface at all levels in the organization. You can create your mitigation strategies earlier and be ahead of the curve. Getting to such Risk Leadership Mindset TM is not easy though. It requires deep transformation to have a whole group detect and explore risks and opportunities in a safe and inclusive environment so everybody can easily share uncertainties. And although we bring the technology in place with our clients, it often also calls for transformational work on process and people. Because technology and process bring you progress, but it is the people that drive breakthrough.’ Marischa continues. 

‘LCG’s profound views on what it means to transform an organisation to get to a Risk Leadership Mindset TM, and how that is different from ‘change’ was a real eye-opener for me.’ Says Alex.

‘Our world today is filled with unrelenting change and unprecedented challenges. In such an increasingly uncertain environment, leading organizations is more challenging than ever. If you want to learn how LCG can be of service to your organization or clients, join their presentation @RAW2020 October 16 at 3 PM CET.’ Concludes Alex.

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Informed Risk Taking

Learn 15 practical steps on integrating risk management into decision making, business processes, organizational culture and other activities!


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ISO31000 Integrating Risk Management

Alex Sidorenko, known for his risk management blog http://www.riskacademy.blog, has created a 25-step program to integrate risk management into decision making, core business processes and the overall culture of the organization.


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Управление рисками

В этом коротком и очень увлекательном курсе, Алексей Сидоренко расскажет о причинах внедрения риск менеджмента, об особенностях принятия управленческих решений в ситуации неопределенности и изменениях в новом стандарте ИСО 31000:2018.
