Lessons in Cyber Resiliency That Manufacturers Can Learn From Healthcare


The manufacturing sector has reached an inflection point in its digitization journey. The availability of high-powered mobile devices (smartphones, tablets and the like), the industrial internet of things (IIoT), massive data creation, artificial intelligence, cloud-based technologies and the drive for competitive advantage have sparked a transformation not seen since the advent of the assembly line. 

In many cases, what was once a discrete location with on-site workers has become a massively interconnected and scaled hybrid world of digital and remote systems and employees. Warehouses and factories have transformed into global networks of automated systems, enabling significant operational and workflow efficiencies. At the same time, the digitization of supply chains has accelerated already complex infrastructures and diversified workflows with more users, roles and third parties that need access to sensitive information and infrastructure.

Securing this type of environment without disrupting employee workflows and bringing productivity to a grinding halt is seemingly insurmountable. However, this level of complexity isn’t unlike that of another dynamic industry — one with…

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