Living Security, Vaillance Group expand partnership to identify cyber risks and mitigate insider threats


Living Security and Vaillance Group, global leaders in Human Risk Management assessment, analysis, training, and solutions, have expanded their partnership to programmatically identify cybersecurity risks and protect companies’ assets, people, and confidential data.  

The expansion addresses the intersection and growth of cyberattacks and insider security risks. “Phishing” is the source of over two-thirds of accidental insider threats, while 94% of computer viruses stem from emails. In 2023, insider attacks cost organizations $15.4 million per incident.  

Living Security and Vaillance Group are uniquely qualified to help organizations mitigate insider-based cybersecurity risks. Both are led by female-founder CEOs with deep experience in cybersecurity that is complementary.

A decorated Clandestine Services officer, Shawnee Delaney brings a wealth of experience of cybersecurity and insider threat prevention as CEO of Vaillance Group. As a serial entrepreneur who specializes in designing and managing product lines that change human behavior, Ashley Rose, CEO of Living Security, has been a driving force in the creation of the human risk management category.  


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