Longtime pastor resigns over ‘serious’ financial questions


FRANKLIN  — A longtime pastor at a church in the Somerset section of town has resigned after “serious” questions about the church’s finances, and issues with his health.

Bishop James F. Checcio will visit St. Matthias on Monday after announcing on Friday that Rev. Douglas J. Haefner had resigned after 27 years at the church. While acknowledging that Haefner’s resignation was “surprising,” Checchio said the decision was “for the benefit of the parish and school community.”

“While I cannot go into details at this time for legal reasons, please know that I am fully committed to getting to the bottom of things and will share additional information as I am able,” the Bishop said in a letter to the church community. “Father came to me about his own health problems and these financial issues in recent weeks and has expressed his sorrow for his actions and for letting us all down.”

While the church’s finances are investigated Haefner’s “priestly faculties” have been removed, and he is seeking treatment for undisclosed health problems “which many of you are aware has been in decline recently.” The Bishop also announced that Father Abraham Orapankal has been named as the church’s temporary…
