Looking for a Cost-effective Solution To Secure Remote Devices? Here’s How a Leading PC Management Platform Can Help


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Remote work enabled organizations to continue functioning during the pandemic, and it would be logical to assume that IT decision-makers must have papered over the cracks that the new paradigm introduced. However, lingering pain points, such as the expanding attack surface, a shortage of skilled IT professionals, and technological obsolescence that decision-makers had to deal with during the in-office period, continue to pose problems.

According to Gat Labs, three-quarters of knowledge workers were already inclined towards remote work during the pre-pandemic period. The new paradigm helped them make the switch without having to change jobs, but they need plenty of IT support to function effectively, collaborate with people, and keep their devices and data secure.

IT decision-makers willing to invest to make hybrid work productive and efficient

To address these needs and to ensure that remote/hybrid work remains a boon rather than a barrier to success, IT decision-makers are investing in best-in-class enterprise solutions that enable round-the-clock IT monitoring and troubleshooting of remote devices, device and data security, and…

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