Looking forward to the 2021 cybersecurity landscape


Coming to the end of 2020, which has been a year of “unprecedented times,” impacted cybersecurity in a big way. With barely any time left in 2020, it’s time to look at what we think 2021 could bring. The main hope is that it will be a little less frantic and there will be fewer viruses of the global pandemic, human, kind. But the malware that inflicts our computers and networks has shown no sign of abating (if only there was a vaccine that worked for them, right?)! So after dusting ourselves off after a tumultuous year, what can we expect in 2021 in the cybersecurity world? Here are a few general predictions of things you can probably expect in the new year and ways to prepare your organization for them. 

What does returning to the office look like in 2021?

First of all, we will probably return to our offices at some point in 2021. In general, the pandemic caused massive changes in our IT landscape and some of those changes are going to stick. Both office workers and company owners have seen the benefit from a Work From Home (WFH) workforce with more family time, less commuting, and lower office costs to name a few. Certainly, some of these things have come at the…

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