Maintaining Screening Compliance in a Recession


New and expanding legislation combined with COVID-19-related shifts in the labor market will present new hiring and talent management challenges in 2021. Corporate Screening’s Matt Jaye discusses a fresh approach, trends to watch and what employers can do to stay ahead of the curve.

Though 2020 is behind us, the events of the previous year will have lasting effects in 2021. The continuing COVID-19 pandemic, a new presidential administration and an uncertain economy will impact how organizations hire and manage talent. Technology solutions will create new opportunities for remote hiring, and a stressed health care system will continue to be challenged by a persistent talent shortage. It will also be critical to navigate an ever-changing legal and compliance landscape, which will ultimately require new strategies for screening and selecting talent.

As you pursue organizational growth plans and seek new talent in 2021, it will be essential to shape hiring and background screening activities around emerging best practices and the latest talent management trends.

Here are the top trends you can expect to impact how you screen and hire talent in 2021:

1. Continued Remote Hiring

COVID-19 sent a record number of employees to work from home and drastically changed how organizations…
