Major cyber programme to help Lancashire businesses ⋆ Business Lancashire

United Kingdom

A team of leading cyber experts at one of the UK’s top universities is ready to help businesses across Lancashire to grow, innovate and secure themselves in an increasingly digital world.

Focusing on creating strong business strategies, and helping to develop innovative products and services, in a world that is increasing reliant on digital platforms, the £2.1 million ‘Lancashire Cyber Foundry’ will engage with 320 small and medium sized enterprises across the county.

Part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) the programme will enable business leaders to draw on the knowledge and experience of Lancaster University cyber security, digital innovation and business-support experts.

These engagements will be delivered through a blend of digital workshops, online modules, and software development, putting cyber security and cyber innovation at the forefront.

Businesses are invited to the Lancashire Cyber Foundry’s first ‘Breakfast Networking’ event, which takes place between 9.30am and 11.30am on July 2nd.

The event, delivered through the Zoom video conferencing platform, will help business leaders think about their digital future and…

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